Detailed consultation and 3D imaging taken using our state of the art Quantificare Lif Viz camera system. We then prepare you for the best results by preconditioning the skin and your body for optimum healing and recovery
On the bid day you will be looked after by an expert team and your selected surgeon in our CQC registered facilities. We do all of our procedures with you awake and conscious but comfortable. Its surprising what can be achieved now with wide awake surgery
You will be provided with detailed aftercare instructions and a dedicated, named care managers phone number if you have any questions. You will always be reviewed after your procedure by your surgeon personally
Face lifts performed under local anaesthesia are becoming the highest demand procedure in the UK’s cosmetic surgery landscape. We utilise modern surgical and anaesthesia techniques to achieve comfortable procedures while keeping costs down for patients and reducing complications. This approach sets itself apart from less invasive treatments by offering a more extensive and often sustained alteration of facial features and areas of concern.
Multi-modal innovations with principles is what sets KYZN apart. We don’t just do a traditional mini or deeper face lift, which is done in all cosmetic surgery practices, instead we augment our results with growth factors and cells that can improve healing, reduce scarring, improve swelling and pain after the procedure. The result is all the layers of the face are being addressed in some way rather than just hauling the skin tighter!
The comprehensive nature of the procedure makes it particularly effective for those seeking a significant enhancement in their facial appearance not achievable by non-surgical techniques.
PICTURE of FACE LIFT over tightened maybe here?
The safety and efficacy of face lifts under anaesthesia are well-established but at KYZN we go a step further with our comprehensive ‘prehabilitation approach’ where we assess the quality and condition of the skin being operated on and optimise it by providing a comprehensive regime of skin improvement and treatments before the knife goes anywhere near the skin. This is approach in surgery is now widely being recognised as the gold standard for reducing complications and improving outcomes for patients. This may include bloods tests, skin condition and genetic analysis, micro-nutrient replacements, skin prehab treatments and a skin regime using creams/serums, radiofrequency and dietary detoxification and improving systemic oxidative stress, so your cells are precharged to heal better.
In summary, when conducted by skilled and experienced surgeons, these procedures have a strong track record of successful outcomes. While the recovery period is longer compared to non-surgical treatments, the results are typically more pronounced and long-lasting. They offer significant improvements in addressing signs of aging, with a proven safety profile, although they require a longer recovery period compared to less invasive treatments. KYZN unique approach to prehab and dedicated post-care regimes optimise your results.
Male breast reduction
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A leading British healthcare company with globally recognised experts, focusing on advanced medical treatments and groundbreaking biotechnologies. Dedicated to revolutionising healthcare by enhancing the body’s innate healing processes, we strive for a naturally healthier tomorrow!
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